By default, an option to achieve this requires custom work. As a workaround, here is a CSS that you can provide to the client.

Please follow the steps below:

    1. Go to Appearance - Theme Editor.

    2. Under “Select theme to edit”, choose (BuddyBoss Child/whatever theme is active), then click “Select”.

    3. Below Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).

    4. Append the code just before the closing PHP tag “?>”:

//make course default sorting as My Progress

function ldcourse_orderby_recent( $order_by_options ) {

    $order_by_options = array(

        'recent'        => __( 'Newly Created', 'buddyboss-theme' ),

        'alphabetical'  => __( 'Alphabetical', 'buddyboss-theme' ),



    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {

        $order_by_options[ 'my-progress' ] = __( 'My Progress', 'buddyboss-theme' );



    return $order_by_options;


add_filter( 'BuddyBossTheme/Learndash/Archive/OrderByOptions', 'ldcourse_orderby_recent' );

function modify_default_orderby( $default_order_by ) {

    return 'my-progress';


add_filter( 'BuddyBossTheme/Learndash/Archive/DefaultOrderBy', 'modify_default_orderby' );


    5. Click Update File to save the changes.

Note: Any modifications are considered as custom work already. Know more about our Support Policy here: